Access to the Temple’s sanctuary was closed to the people of the old covenant as the blood of animal sacrifices could not atone for their sins. Hence they offered sacrifices year after year, as the perfect sacrifice had not yet been offered. But the sacrificial death of Jesus on the cross atoned for all the sins of the world for all times making any further sacrifices unnecessary. The tearing of the curtain in the Temple was a visible sign that the sacrificial death of Jesus opened the gate of heaven for all his people. It also means that when people accept this truth by faith and trust a great transformation takes place within us which frees us from addictions and sicknesses as we become aware of the presence of Jesus in our lives. Sadly people who have not grasped this truth live hopeless and lonely lives. The Gospel reading says that we are called to listen, obey and follow Jesus. Let us be witnesses and then the light of Jesus will shine through us.
PRAYER: Abba Father, give us a heart to seek you more and more and to experience your presence in our lives. Amen.