Wednesday September 4
The harvest is rich
  • 1 Corinthians 3:1-9
  • Psalm 33:12-15,20-21
  • Luke 4:38-44

Today’s readings paint a tapestry of how God interacts with us. He weaves people into our lives and they teach us about God. He appoints people to bring us to God as Paul explains in the First reading. Paul and Apollos were sent by God to the people of Corinth. Paul says that he sowed the seed and Apollos watered it, but it was God himself who made things grow. He is the only one who can make our faith grow from infant Christians to mature Christians who live by the Spirit. God looks over us from heaven and considers everything we do. He delights when we are growing into a fruitful harvest by living in the Spirit but he grieves when we whither and die in our worldly ways. In the Gospel proclamation, Jesus says that he was sent to proclaim the good news. The Gospel writer describes many healings Jesus did in one day alone. Jesus came to save the Father’s crop and heal us of our infirmities so that we can be the fruitful harvest that delights God.

PRAYER: Abba Father, may I bear the fruits of your Kingdom. Amen.

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