When the disciples of Jesus came to him and told him that his mother and brothers had come to see him, the disciples may have expected Jesus to stop what he was doing and go to his mother and family, leaving the crowds behind. How did Jesus respond to his disciples? “My mother and brothers are those who hear the word of God and act on it”. We want preferential treatment in this world, we crave to be acknowledged by others in society and in our church communities. We are considered family if we fulfill two conditions: if we hear the voice of God by reading the Bible and act on the voice of God, by putting his words into practice. How much time do we invest in doing the first? How much time spent in keen desire to know the truth in the word of God? Without the first we cannot fulfill the second – to act on the word. Let us become true members of Jesus’ inner circle: the family of God. Let us make a conscious effort to hear his voice and act on it. In today’s electronic age of audio bibles there is no excuse.
Prayer: Abba Father, may we have a deep desire to fill our hearts and minds with your Word. Amen.