Friday September 13
The Lord is our provider
  • 1 Corinthians 9:16-19,22-27
  • Psalm 84:3-6,12
  • Luke 6:39-42

Jesus is our caretaker, our steward walking and guiding us in our daily tasks. Jesus became poor and weak for us so that we will have strength to follow him. Why do we keep struggling with our own efforts and brokenness? In the Responsorial Psalm, we are invited to dwell in the house of the Lord. How can we say we lack something when God provides for our need even before we ask for it. Maybe we have a blindness we cannot see and therefore find it difficult to rely on him. The word of God is a double edged sword that convicts us from within. We are so wounded with the brokenness within us, that most of the time, we do not recognise our blindness and sinfulness. We are quick to fight back and defend our name, position or status without even looking within to see the issues that lie within us. We are quick to justify the bad behaviour or ignorance in ourselves and we push the blame to someone else to feel better about ourselves. Let us resolve to change our ways.

PRAYER: Abba Father, give us your grace to see the world through your eyes. Make us better versions of ourselves as we journey with you. Amen.

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