The gospel proclamation reveals that the Lord Jesus came into the world as Light. That Divine Light illumines the human mind. The light that makes clear, informs, explains, illustrates.
Today’s world is in the darkness of ignorance and blind to aspects of truth and reality. In every strata of society it is a case of blind leading the blind. Let us not delude ourselves thinking it is nothing to do with us. Did not the Lord say, if you knew you were blind, you would have no sin, but, when we say we see, sin remains. The Lord comes to open our eyes. A metaphysical healing through the Word of God. Refusal to accept and respond to the Word ,brings on our acceptance of condemnation. We even perpetuate harming others. In Christ however, we who are blind will see and who know not, may understand.
This utterance of Isaiah is an urgent word needed for our dark world that is locked within the gates of Hades. “The people who walked in darkness have seen a great light. Upon those who dwell in the land of gloom a light has shone. He will bring us abundant joy and great rejoicing. For the yoke that burdened and the pole on their shoulder and the rod of their taskmaster shall be smashed”.
Twelve years ago, I had undergone bypass surgery for a serious heart condition. I was in a state of deep depression. Darkness of soul in broad daylight. I put on my ear phone to hear worship songs, soon after a family member read Psalm 23 repeatedly. Suddenly something happened, my soul was flooded with rejoicing. I cried with joy. A joy I had not experienced before. The attendant medics thought I was in post operative pain. I said it is another sort of pain. A heavenly joy amidst the gloom.
Barnabas, Saul and Mark go on mission proclaiming their encounter with the Light. Propelled by the Holy Spirit they sow the Word of God into human hearts. The Light of Christ begins to shine from within. Ignorance is revealed. The word becomes a lamp unto their feet. Earth walks into Heaven.