Saturday 29th June 2024
The Lord never leaves us
  • Acts 12:1-11
  • Psalm 34:2-9
  • 2 Timothy 4:6-8,17-18
  • Matthew 16:13-19

As we celebrate the solemnity of two giants of our faith, Saint Peter and Saint Paul, we cannot but think of the adventurous lives they led. They had many brushes with death prior to their martyrdom. In their close to death encounters, the prayers of the people and the grace of God sustained them. In St. Peter’s experience, while he was closely guarded, the angel of the Lord stood by him and rescued him supernaturally; while St. Paul declares that the Lord stood by him and rescued him from the lion’s mouth each time. Both these stalwarts knew that God was with them and for them even in the worst of circumstances. When it felt like the world had abandoned them, songs and psalms graced their lips. We may go through such experiences in life, which may not be as extreme, but we can rest assured that the angel of the Lord will be encamping around and comforting us in our daily struggles as we surrender in prayer and praise.

PRAYER: Abba Father, we choose to claim your protection, power and saving grace, each time we encounter any sort of danger. Amen.

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