Saturday 20th July 2024
The working of the Holy Spirit
  • Micah 2:1-5
  • Psalm 10:1-4,7-8,14
  • Matthew 12:14-21

In today’s Gospel proclamation we see how the Lord Jesus continued to carry out his ministry. Although he performed many miracles and was popular at the time, he did not desire accolades or prominence. Many times he asked the people not to spread the word about the miracles he carried out. He preferred that the glory be given to the Father and encouraged people to have faith. But how differently do we act in our human experience. We prefer the whole world to know about the good deeds we do. There are times when we long to receive awards; to be recognised and honoured. The Lord reminds us to carry out good works in silence, without the left hand knowing what the right hand does. Then the Lord who sees everything that is done in secret, will reward us greatly in heaven. Let us not seek human glory and honor, but aim to follow God’s will. If our actions are pleasing to him, that is sufficient, because we will experience peace and joy in the depths of our hearts.

PRAYER: Abba Father, may I yearn to do your will. Amen.

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