Tuesday 25th June 2024
Trusting God’s supernatural power in crisis
  • 2 Kings 19:9-11,14-21,31-36
  • Psalm 48:2-4,10-11
  • Matthew 7:6,12-14

Threatened of war and destruction by the King of Egypt, King Hezekiah turns to God in prayer. He identifies the true nature and power of God to be his strength rather than dwelling on fear of man. Hezekiah’s faith and trust, pleased God and he defended the city of Jerusalem. Similarly, we too experience much despair and brokenness in our life’s journey. We have choice of response; despair and fear, or turn to God in prayer, for his intervention. Recently, I had such chaos in my life. Yet, I trusted in my true identity and the creative nature of God. I cried to him in prayer. He carried me on eagle’s wings. Chaos reigned, yet peace within. The Gospel reminds us about the duality of our nature and the choices we face. The world attracts us to the broad and easy path leading to destruction. God’s Spirit leads us through the narrow path that leads to eternal life. Let us examine our hearts: What is the choice we make today?

PRAYER: Lord Jesus, you are the way, the truth and the life. Guide me to follow you. Amen.

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