Wednesday September 11
Twenty-third Week in Ordinary Time
  • 1 Corinthians 7:25-31
  • Psalm 45:11-12,14-17
  • Luke 6:20-26

Today’s readings underscore the importance of focusing on an inward transformation of our hearts. Our brokenness, sorrow and strife in this transient world are opportunities for spiritual growth. The Beatitudes highlight the disposition of the heart within the kingdom of God. A heart is deemed “blessed” when it exhibits a state of humility and contrition, acknowledging its poverty before God. This meek heart, teachable and under control, allows for the sovereignty of Jesus as its Lord and Savior. It recognizes its own sinfulness in the presence of God, repenting sincerely, seeking comfort in God’s forgiveness and striving to do better. This is why we are encouraged to “come as we are” and “present the truth of our hearts” in the 4 Steps prayer. Do I hunger and thirst for the
Lord? Do I allow his Spirit to guide me? Let us rely on his grace, mercy and forgiveness. We are a new creation in Christ and all things are possible when we believe.

PRAYER: Abba Father, purify our thoughts, desires, and motives, so that we may one day see you face to face. Amen.

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