Saturday 10th August 2024
Unless the seed dies, new life is not born
  • 2 Corinthians 9:6-10
  • Psalm 112:1-2,5-9
  • John 12:24-26

Today’s Gospel reading talks about dying to self: what it means to follow Christ. A seed has to die for it to sprout. We have to be willing to make certain sacrifices to uphold the values of the kingdom. It certainly is not easy when we try to sacrifice or let go of certain beliefs and practices: we are ridiculed or cast aside by friends, family and peers. But following the Savior has its rewards; eternal life, joy, peace, love and the power of the Holy Spirit. Today we celebrate the feast of St. Lawrence, who was one of the seven deacons serving in Rome. The other deacons were beheaded a few days prior to the martyrdom of St. Lawrence. He took the church treasures and gave it to the poor. Then he was martyred like no other. He was roasted on a gridiron. He was filled with the Spirit that he was able to tell his persecutors “I am done on this side now turn me over to the other side”. Many who witnessed his execution converted to Christianity. Are we ready to die to our old ways?

PRAYER: Abba Father, help me to follow your ways. Amen.

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