Tuesday 09th July 2024
Walk as He walked and live as He lived
  • Hosea 8:4-7,11-13
  • Psalm 115:3-10
  • Matthew 9:32-38

Today’s Gospel proclamation describes two events in Jesus’ ministry. We first see Jesus who casts out demons and then we see the compassionate Jesus, calling out labourers for his harvest. This calling from our Lord is associated with our personal vocation in life, particularly the supernatural vocation. Our Lord calls some of us to a deeper commitment to shepherding and consoling the flock. The Lord does not want us to be like the Pharisees, trusting in our power and authority. Prophet Hosea tells us, that we shall return to Egypt, abandoning the Lord and go back to exile if we trust in ourselves. The Lord is challenging us to trust in him and go into the streets proclaiming his healing and deliverance. 1 John 2:6 says, anyone claiming to “abide” in Christ should live as Jesus lived. Nothing could limit Jesus who exercised dominion over the powers of this world and we are called to do the same. Walk as he walked and live as he lived. What am I doing to fulfil my mission?

PRAYER: Abba Father, strengthen me in my mission to spread the Gospel, to heal and deliver your people. Amen.

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