We believe with all our hearts that Jesus, the son of God, assumed the human form and came to this earth for us, and today’s Gospel gives witness to the lineage that Jesus in his human form became part of. Much to our surprise, we see that this long line of ancestry is far from perfect and is speckled with people of all sorts: Prophets, kings, patriarchs, men and women of faith, and also gentiles, idol worshippers, adulterers, murderers and sinners of all kinds. There are even people who we know nothing about. Yet, to this family was born the Messiah who could have chosen a perfect ancestry made up of people of impeccable characteristics. This is cause enough for our greatest joy. For us who are burdened with a troubled past, who are guilty of unrighteous living, who are struggling to remain faithful through times of trial, whose heads are bowed down in guilt and shame. Our Lord is telling us He is more than pleased to welcome us into His own family
Prayer: Come Lord Jesus, lead us into your Kingdom. Amen.