Tuesday 23rd July 2024
We are part of God’s family
  • Micah 7:14-15,18-20
  • Psalm 85:2-8
  • Matthew 12:46-50

Do we believe that we belong to God’s family? Do we believe that we are part of a royal priesthood, a holy nation? God calls us to be a part of his family by our inheritance to his Kingdom. God has our lives in his hands since the beginning of time and we are his chosen people, his flock because of the love, mercy and forgiveness he had for our forefathers: Abraham and Jacob. The Psalmist reminds us that our Father loves his children so much that while we are still sinners, he showed us his love and mercy. The Gospel acclamation declares and seals the promise that Jesus gives us an invitation that if we love him, obey and live by his word, the Father and Jesus will come to live within us. Let us believe and declare that when we are called to do God’s will, we inherit our sonship or daughterhood and we become part of his family. Let us claim our identity as sons or daughters of God who belong to the Kingdom of heaven.

PRAYER: Abba Father, thank you for calling me into your family. Amen.

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