My ancestors were quite religious: devotions, donations and church going. Liturgical obligations were strictly adhered to. Yet there was no difference between their way of life and the rest of the world. Today’s Gospel teaching is often sidelined. Listening to the words of scripture and acting on them is of paramount importance. In life there are sure to be problems and challenges that could engulf us. Fears and anxiety could severely affect our serenity and peace of mind. The scriptures however, instruct us to a way of life that buttress against anything that would come against us. One needs to not only know the literal word but also understand the context of the Patriarchs, Prophets and People of God. What made them victorious amidst “fire and flood waters” was obeying God’s Word. They faced calamities when they stubbornly rejected his benevolence. We too are expected to learn from them, and what the Bible instructs, to weather a storm.
PRAYER: Abba Father, give us knowledge of your Word to know your Son in a new way and to act on his word. Amen.