God’s question: “Where are you?” is a loving call to his children to step out of hiding and come into his presence. When we fall, instead of running to Abba Father, we start collecting fig leaves to hide ourselves. We use our relationships, busyness, social media and possessions as fig leaves. Just as the fig leaves were inadequate to cover Adam’s and Eve’s nakedness, our fig leaves are insufficient to address the root cause. God’s response in making for Adam and Eve, garments of skins, and clothing them, indicates a more permanent solution that only God can provide. This foreshadows the ultimate covering that God provides through Jesus. The Gospel reading illustrates Jesus’ provision, compassion and power to redeem, symbolizing the new covenant between God and humanity. The Eucharist is connected to God’s care and compassion, and we are once again invited into his presence. We have been redeemed in Christ. Therefore, God sees us and loves us, as his beloved children.
PRAYER: Abba Father, thank you for making me a new creation. Amen.