Wednesday 19th June 2024
Whatever you do, do it with love
  • 2 Kings 2:1,6-14
  • Psalm 31:20-21,24
  • Matthew 6:1-6,16-18

To receive God’s favor we need to be motivated only by the love of God. As the Word tells us, this new law is the law of love. All our actions will be infused by the Holy Spirit who is the love of God. This love sets us free from ritualistic observances. When our good works performed in secret become a constitutive part of our life, we receive the Father’s approval which is the only thing that matters. We are accredited with the righteousness of God. Prayer, fasting and almsgiving lead us to the glorious fate of Elijah – to be taken up into heaven. It is a good time to look deeply into our hearts. How honest are our motives in what we do? Unless we have a personal relationship with Jesus and have access to the infinite resources of divine grace, we cannot experience true piety. Saint Teresa of Calcutta said, “We must be aware of oneness with Christ, as he was aware of oneness with his Father. Permit him to work in us and through us with his power, with his desire and his love.”

PRAYER: Abba Father, may your love alone, spur us to action in what we do. Amen.

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