Monday 17th June 2024
Where there is hatred let us sow love
  • 1 Kings 21:1-16
  • Psalm 5:2-7
  • Matthew 5:38-42

Today’s Gospel proclamation tells us how to treat our opponents. We may face opposition, enmity and rivalry on a daily basis. It can be from our family, workplace, school or society, yet the challenge and oppression is hard. The Lord tells us how to handle such situations. The Lord replaces retaliation with reconciliation. In our sinful nature we often fight and hurt the ones who hurt us. It may appear to be a solution or a method to solve issues. The Lord takes it to a deeper level where he treats the root cause of the problem. He guides us to fight evil with good, to mend the brokenness of others. Often this is a struggle, but with the Holy Spirit we can do the needful. That is what our Lord did on the cross, he forgave without measure and ended the vicious cycle. When we are forced to carry a burden a mile can we go another mile? Can we give more than the world is demanding from us? With the Lord’s grace everything will be possible. Let us trust God and live surrendered lives.

PRAYER: Abba Father, use me for your glory and to heal the world. Amen.

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