Today’s readings speak to us about worldly wealth versus the wealth of the Kingdom. Worldly wealth can win a lot of respect and recognition for us, but it could also result in losing our soul. In contrast, in the First Reading we see St. Paul sharing about God’s providence and being dependent on God alone. As said in the Gospel proclamation, we cannot serve two masters. We need to make a choice and stand by it no matter what happens. It is a simple but profound choice. Therefore, serving God would result in God himself looking after our personal needs. Sr. Clare Crockett, a young nun, who gave her life to the service of God, once said that when she looks after God’s things, God will look after her things. That gave her the freedom, to leave behind her family, her country, her language and give herself completely to serve God, this is our call as well. Even in today’s Responsorial Psalm, the Psalmist says, “Good will come to those who are generous and lend freely, who conduct their affairs with justice.” (Ps 112:5).
Prayer: Abba Father, may your Holy Fire burn deeply within my spirit, giving me the grace to serve you first. Amen.