Monday 01st July 2024
Why follow Jesus?
  • Amos 2:6-10,13-16
  • Psalm 50:16-23
  • Matthew 8:18-22

Most of us follow the ways of the world; we compete and strive to get ahead of another, hoping to thereby receive adulation and praise from the society we live in. Many become cast aside or excluded. A throw away culture becomes a pattern of life. Those successful are unsuccessful in enjoying the happiness that’s sought; instead probably suffer stress and meaninglessness. The Lord calls us instead to follow him. He shares life with refugees, exiles and the castaways of life. Even the filial obligation of the highest importance in burying the dead is of second importance to being spiritually alive in Christ. Because the seeming failure on earth, opens to another reality. “The Son of Man will receive dominion, glory and kingship. Nations and peoples serve him. Everlasting Dominion; his Kingship will never be destroyed” (Daniel 7). How glorious would be our eternal reward if we serve not the ways of the world, however enticing, but in the sacrificial ways of the Lord.

PRAYER: Abba Father, I praise you that I no longer live but Christ lives in me. Help me to live his life not the world’s. Amen.

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